357 Hill Street
Historical Research and Compilation by Meghan Mundy
Photos by Matt Brewster, Marigold Solutions
House Instructions:
Rooms with closed doors are off-limits. Upstairs open. Restrooms available.
House History:
The Holiday House, 357 Hill Street (c 1901) is a two-story structure retaining a high degree of integrity of original design. Its decorative elements are restrained and classical: pedimented gables, plain frieze, dentils, and small Tuscan columns. Behind the house is an original barn and another vintage outbuilding, and the house stands today relatively unchanged and true to its original design.
Dr. A.C. Holliday built this restrained, late Victorian home using small Tuscan columns. Dr. Allen Cheatham was a well-regarded physician in the Athens area and he lived in the home with his wife Cora McElhannon Holliday. This was the home where Dr. A.C. Holliday and his wife, Cora, raised their children. In Oconee Hill Cemetery, one can view the grave of Sarah Holliday, a child of Dr. A.C. and Cora who died at the age of 18 months on April 12, 1909. Her gravestone features a beautiful statue of an angel. The Hollidays had another child that died in 1912 and is buried beside Sarah, and today, both the doctor and his wife are also buried on this shared plot with Sarah. They were the parents of at least 3 sons and 7 daughters, and Dr. Holliday was known for his active involvement in the Athens school board.
The home was purchased from 102-year-old Kate Holliday by the Dorminey family in 1990.
Image Source: The Athens Daily Herald, May 11, 1918, Georgia Historic Newspapers